Me right night: hall la Lu ya
Me right night: hall la Lu ya
@GlitchCatMusic :) now*
I’m making a level with “interconnected” so if you want to try it, let me know ^^
Ooh sick! I would love to try it ^^
i made the layout
Oh my god that was quick lol
@GlitchCatMusic it’s pretty hard ??
I'm not very good so I doubt I'll be able to complete it BUT I still wanna try
@GlitchCatMusic the “? ?” Was an accident it was supposed to be some emojis but it didn’t work
Ohhh haha, that makes more sense. I was confused why you were questioning it, like you made the level wouldn't you know? lmao
i can make a level names gard now!!!! 100_
Your work is amazing! Keep doing what you do!
Thank you so much!! I'll make sure to keep it up :)
@GlitchCatMusic lol
:P ^^
im two weeks late but congrats!!!
Haha no worries ^^ Better late than never! Also thank you :D
I will try my skills and make a level using one of your songs! Absolutely love them!
(I never even touched the creation feature though so please don't expect much. I also am gonna do it on mobile so expect even less :D)
I will deffinetly let you know once I'm finished! (if my level won't end up as an embarrassment)
But no matter what outcome it'll be, keep up the great work!
Thank you so much!! And good luck ^^ I believe in you :D
Yes imma use all the good songs I can find
:D Yippee good luck ^^
Just checked to see if your stuff was on newgrounds after listening to liquid phantasy. Was not disappointed. Same reason, too.
oh woah I'm surprised someone actually came to newgrounds from youtube instead of the otherway around, but thank you ^^
bet im finna make one rn
:0 please lemme know when you finish it, I would love to play it (I suck at GD but I'll still try)